Bevidst lederskab kan gøre en forskel – både intern...

Conscious leadership er et begreb, der er begyndt at vinde indpas som metode til at drive forretning på en måde, der kan gøre en positiv forskel for både en virksomheds bundlinje, medarbejdere og omverden. En bevidst leder kan løfte hele sin virksomhed, inkl. bundlinjen, og gøre en forskel både internt og eksternt. CSR Magasinet har interviewet Sandja Brügmann om Conscious Leadership og The Passion Institutes metoder og tilgang til ledelsesudvikling. Læs hele artiklen her på ( det kræver medlemskab; der tilbydes 30 dages gratis medlemskab )   Interesseret i at booke en executive business advisory session med os? Læs her og ring 42449800. Interesseret i en Purpose workshop – for executive ledelse og/eller medarbejder teams? Læs her.  


7 Ways Changemakers Can Sell An Idea About Change (and ...

Perhaps you think of changemakers as people who only sell an idea. You may not yet be familiar with my new characterisation of a unique group of change-makers as Activist Entrepreneurs


In the media: 人體也要節能 8招讓你精力充沛

  __________ This media coverage on my work came thru to me today. I can’t read what it says, as I don’t understand the language it’s written in, but I am delighted to know that my work with conscious leadership and driving environmental and social change through business is making it’s way across the globe. I understand a few words in this piece – Inc – Sandja Brügmann – NBA – NASA – the last two are cases I have used to support stillness, silence and solitude, meditation as well as play and work/life balance to ensure high- and often endurance level performance, which is what we encounter in executive and business situations today. I don’t need to understand the language to… Read more »


(Podcast) Spirituality in Business

Podcast: *Spiritualitet på højt niveau* interview with Sandja Brügmann by Futurist researcher Mette Sillesen. Access the podcast here. Mette Sillesen skriver: I denne episode tager jeg en snak med Sandja Brügmann om, hvad spiritualitet er, hvordan man arbejder med det professionelt, og hvordan man får det ind i hverdagen. Vi kommer blandt andet omkring Ixchel the Mayan Moon Goddess, den antropocæne tidsalder, Ken Wilber, Richard Barrett og ikke mindst The Fourth Way, som er en metode til en daglig spirituel praksis.Sandja har to virksomheder: Refresh Agency og The Passion Instititue, hvor fokus i sidstnævnte er Conscious Leadership. Jeg anser Sandja som en “Pro Spirituella” og er meget inspireret af Sandja og hendes arbejde. Jeg håber, at du ligeså vil føle dig inspireret og udfordret i din måde at tænke og tilgå spiritualitet 🙂 Access the podcast… Read more »


Sandja Brügmann contributes to new book, Gurubogen

The new Danish book “Gurubogen” is a collection of articles from 100 leading business innovators and entrepreneurs from around the world. Sandja Brügmann contributes with an article on how investing in leadership and organizational consciousness is needed to drive both sustainability, social-good and thrivability. “I fremtiden er det kun brands, som arbejder for at gøre livet bedre for menneskeheden, der vil overleve. De ledere, vi udpeger til at guide os, skal derfor også findes blandt dem, som er i stand til at skabe bedre liv.” – Sandja Brügmann, excerpt from her article Fremtidens leder er autentisk, passioneret, modig og formålsdrevet. English translation: “In the future it is only brands that strive to make life better for humanity that will survive. The… Read more »


Passionate Detachment

It has become the newest trend to be happy. Are we directing our energy and efforts to create the business and life that will truly make us feel that deep contentment that comes from a meaningful and purposeful life? Or, are you trapped in chasing the next spike of endorphin filled non-sustaining ‘happy’? And, what causes us to feel not happy? The answer might just lay in our expectations…. ?! Here’s one of my favorite life hacks to a passionate and high EQ life of contentment. Listen in to a short PassionTalk on Passionate Detachment.  


Natural Products Expo West: Authentic engagement with s...

Expo West 2014 Authentic Engagement: Develop brand Ambassadors & Increase Sales with Social Savvy Social media is key to every marketing and customer engagement campaign, but do you know how to use it effectively?


PassionTalk TV with Sandja featuring Steve Demos, co-fo...

It is a huge privilege to sit down with Steve to interview this legendary pioneer in the business as a force for good movement about his perspective on good business practises and right livelihood principles in action.


Is Fear Stealing Your Success?

Use fear to propel yourself forward, rather than get into self-sabotage mode.


Women's Leadership Summit interview with Sandja Brügma...

  Women’s Leadership Summit interview with Sandja Brügmann, hosted by Jennifer Maynard of Discovery Coaching in USA Jan 2016. Listen in to learn: Who or what motivates me to continue to succeed daily How I foster creative and innovative thinking within my business and organization How I maintain motivation and inspiration despite obstacles, pushbacks or setbacks What piece of advice I would give to someone starting their leadership journey   SANDJA BRÜGMANN is a serial entrepreneur, international speaker and sustainable communications & marketing expert with a passion for conscious leadership. Sandja mentors visionary business leaders and entrepreneurs around the world helping people manifest a passion-filled and on purpose business that makes a positive difference to people, planet and profits. She… Read more »
