Ti råd til bæredygtige forretningsmodeller

Der er forretningsfordele i bæredygtige initiativer. Men hvilke initiativer, skal din virksomhed tage, og hvad kræver det af ledelsen? Skrevet af Stine Bjerre Herdel, F5 Lidl gør det, H&M gør det, Sticks&Sushi gør det, Aarstiderne gør det, Irma gør det, og mange, mange andre virksomheder i verden gør det: De tager initiativer i forretningen, der går i en mere bæredygtig retning – og de tjener penge på det. Faktisk er det kun et spørgsmål om tid, før alle virksomheder i et eller andet omfang er nødt til at tænke emner som socialt ansvar, miljø og klima ind i deres forretningsmodel. Det synspunkt kommer til udtryk i udtalelser fra en lang række globale virksomheder – og det støttes også herhjemme af blandt andre Morten Lehmann, CSR-chef… Read more »


PASSIONTALK TV with Sandja featuring Brian Robertson fo...

“If everyone had to think outside the box, maybe it was the box that needed fixing” – Malcolm Gladwell, What the Dog Saw Holacracy is a new management system for a rapidly changing world, where power is re-destributed, each member on a team has autonomy and can contribute and bring value to the organization based on a new organizational model. Currently more than 500+ organizations run with Holacracy including Zappos, Pantheon Enterprises and Socialsquare is the first Danish company to adopt Holacracy. Holacracy began with a question: What gets in the way of people working together as effectively as possible? In the most efficient way possible? It completely replaces the conventional management hierarchy with a tested, customizable self-management practice that empowers… Read more »


Popsicles Made From 100 Different Polluted Water Source...

Leaders who can navigate across at least two, preferably more, specializations – sustainability, communication, leadership, business strategy, systemic perception, R&D, innovation, new product development, economics – are being called to the forefront to drive the new brand activism using story doing in creative ways to raise awareness of social and environmental issues. Here’s an excellent example. These popsicles might look like the sort of thing you’d expect to find being served from a quirky organic artisanal food truck, but one bite could leave you very ill indeed, because they’re actually made from sewage found in the polluted waters of Taiwan. They were made by three design students for the Polluted Water Popsicles project, which aims to raise awareness about rising water… Read more »


What is trust worth? The Importance of Sustainable Lead...

The topic of the keynote: What is trust worth? Sustainability and Environmental Certifications in International Marketing. Into the dialogue is also the underlying leadership skills and levels of consciousness needed to drive business and key decisions with a systems understanding and long-term perspective for business to be a solution socially and environmentally, meeting consumer expectations and demand for Responsible and Responsive Leadership as per the World Economic Forum. Watch Sandja Brügmann’s keynote for Promote Iceland Islandsstoffa’s annual meeting in Reykjavik, Iceland.   Are you looking for a speaker to inspire your audience and deliver engaging, valuable insights that leave you and your audience with new perspectives, inspiration, business cases, tools and an uplifted ‘can do’ attitude and actionable tools? Contact… Read more »


Keynote Speaker at Promote Iceland's annual meeting - ...

  Promote Iceland is Iceland’s private/public owned export organization expanding the Icelandic brand in international markets. It was a pleasure for me to be the sustainable and conscious business expert and keynote speaker at this year’s annual meeting in Reykjavik, Iceland. Watch a short post event interview about how I see Iceland from a strategic business, marketing and conscious leadership perspective below.     Are you looking for a speaker to inspire your audience and deliver engaging, valuable insights that leaves them with new perspectives, inspiration, business cases, tools and an uplifted ‘can do’ attitude? Contact Sandja Brügmann here.  


Lad Os Kalde Det Noget Andet

CSR som begreb er i krise. Folk gider ikke at høre om miljøtiltag og miljøprofiler. Måske burde vi kalde det noget andet? Kim Rahbek og Sandja Brügmann var på podiet på Aalborg Universitet, hvor de foldede CSR-idéen ud. Skrevet af Eva Vestrheim, Forfatter, Copy Writer, Konsulent. Udgivet af Dansk Markedsføring.   Conscious Business er det nye sort ”over there”, og det må nødvendigvis inkorporeres i de danske forretningsmodeller, hvis vi vil overleve på et globalt marked. Basalt set handler Corporate Social Responsibility blot om enkelthed, ærlighed, transparens, ydmyghed, og at handle bevidst og ansvarligt. Hvor svært kan det være! Kim Rahbek, medstifter af Sticks’ n’ Sushi, og Sandja Brügmann, grundlægger af Refresh Agency, undrer sig over vores konforme måde at tænke… Read more »


Conscious business er det nye sort

Skrevet af Eva Vestrheim. Udgivet af K1.   Conscious Business er det nye sort ”overthere” og det må nødvendigvis inkorporeres i de danske forretningsmodeller, hvis vi vil overleve på et globalt marked. Basalt set handler Corporate Social Responsibility blot om simpelhed, ærlighed, transparens, ydmyghed, og at handle bevidst og ansvarligt. Hvor svært kan det være! Kim Rahbek, medstifter af Sticks’ n’ Sushi og Sandja Brügmann, grundlægger af Refresh Agency undrer sig over vores konforme måde at tænke på. Kan det tænkes at CSR kamoufleres under ord som Conscious Business, almindelige dyder som ordentlighed og respekt? Show it, don’t tell it Det ironiske er, at mange virksomheder bestræber sig på at profilere transparens, profilere troværdighed. Et subjekt taler om et objekt…. Read more »


Systems Thinking: Life-Enhancing Business Through Leade...

  Change is one of the most challenging elements of life within an organization. To sustain a change agenda moving away from behaviors and decisions that are life-destroying to becoming life-enhancing, the nuances of both corporate culture and the patterns of human behavior need to be understood. This requires systems thinking – also called visual seeing and thinking skills. I sat down with Fritjof Capra, one of the world’s most distinguished scientists and systems theorists, to discuss the implications of systems thinking for business, leadership and society. Sandja Brügmann: In Capra Course, you speak to the biggest crisis of our time – that we are not just experiencing a sustainability crisis, but a crisis of perception. What is this crisis of… Read more »


How Systems Thinking Makes You An Effective Leader

  In order for business to be relevant to consumers it needs to be part of the solution to the big challenges we face in the world today. This requires that leaders at the helm of business decisions, in academia and education, politics and society need to learn to see and think in systems, also called visual thinking. Seeing the interrelated patterns both internally in the organization’s financial, social and power flows; and externally, how the business generates value, makes money, behaves in context of employees, community, nation and the world scale will enable leaders to create high performing thriving teams, stay at the forefront of innovation and business acumen, and ahead of the curve of relevance. Fritjof Capra is… Read more »


Purpose-Driven Storytelling: 12 Tips for Embracing Oppo...

While sustainable communication and purpose-led storytelling is most certainly an external, strategic communication effort, it also starts and rests on your internal leadership abilities. Whether you’re a global, purpose-led responsibility driver or a smaller start-up, being prepared, agile, and resilient is key.
