The cost of perfectionism

Because you believe this lie – that you need to be perfect – you act accordingly and create a restricted life of struggle for yourself, and typically also for others. It doesn’t serve you! Perfectionism actually pushes everything that you want away from you. It is in imperfection that you will excel as a business leader and in all your relationships. When you can embrace and not only accept, but delight in your own and other’s imperfection, you will soar. And you will support others in excelling, too. The perfectionist voice in your head tells you You are not good enough You are not wise enough You don’t know enough Who are you to …… (fill in the blank with your dreams)… Read more »


We do not need to be perfect to inspire others #Conscio...

A sound-bite excerpt from our Passion Warrior Conscious Leadership eCourse Module 6. The theme focus of Module 6 is Visionary Conscious Leadership Action. With big focus on taking action, imperfection, and growth as a process of unfolding, where we do the best we can with what we have at our disposal at any given time. “What differentiates the dreamers and those who live their dreams is right action” Read the full course details here. Next course starts November 3.  
